Westjet Airlines Cancellation Policy - Cancel Flight Ticket

Whether you are flying with Westjet Airlines or not, you will always be treated as a prestigious passenger. This air group is known for its user-friendly policies and exclusive entertainment options. It has introduced in-flight entertainment (IFE) from LiveTV and Bell TV satellite network. Also, GPS derived altitude and groundspeed are shown, buy-on-board meal service with sandwiches, snacks, and alcoholic beverages, sandwiches are prepared by local delis in the departure city, packaged TV series, movies, games, live streaming TV channels, magazines, 110-volt power outlets, USB, and Wi-Fi. At the same time, WestJet LiveTV utilizes the Global TV, CBS, CTV, Citytv, CBC, TSN, Treehouse TV, ABC, NBC, and a WestJet Channel.

Check out how to cancel Westjet Airlines flight ticket here.

How to cancel Westjet Airlines flight?

  • Open the official website of Westjet and access the Manage Trips section
  • Move your mouse pointer on this Manage Trips option
  • It will show you seven different options as Manage Flights, Upgrade your Seat, Email Itinerary, Receipts, Baggage and Service Fees, Manage Vacations, Safety
  • Click on the first options – Manage Flights
  • As soon as you click on it, a window as Manage your flights: check-in, change or cancel will appear
  • It will give you an option as change/cancel flights online
  • Click on it and precede the cancellation process

Westjet Airlines Cancellation Policy

Do you have a WestJet reservation that is not going to be uses? It happens to thousands of passengers! The reservation officials help the passengers like you in recovering their money from their non-refundable flights every year. You can cancel your WetJet flight in advance and can initiate the refund. Yes, the refund will depend on the type of your ticket. All reservations made within 24 hours (excluding same-day travel) can be cancelled without any fee. Same-day travel is a flight departing within 24 hours from the time of booking. Let us discuss how to get refund now.

Westjet Airlines Refund Policy

You need to pay a fee if you cancel your Economy, Economy Flex, Premium or business Class ticket. The cancellation fee depends on the place where you are flying and also when you are canceling. If you are cancelling your reservation after 24 hours from the time of booking, you are not eligible to get any refund or future travel credit for cancellations. However, the scenario is slightly different for the fares with flexibility. You can cancel your flight without any fee EconoFlex fares within Canada. Hence, you will be eager to know what is refund policy? In this case, the credit will be deposited in your travel bank. In the case of PremiumFlex and BusinessFlex fares, the refund is done in the original form of payment.

WestJet Care provides cancellation and refund related services at free of cost

Have a conversation with WestJet passenger care professionals if you have any query related to cancellation. Not only what is Westjet Airlines cancellation policy, this passenger care is also committed in serving the passengers for family booking, corporate booking, group booking, cheap ticket booking, Red-Eye flight booking, etc. To booking a cheap ticket, you can prefer to fly during undesirable hours, avoid significant holidays for your trip, use airline miles, redeem credit card reward points, or go for a Red-Eye flight. However, booking your ticket to any nearby destination which has lower fare is another reliable way to save on the bookings.

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